I’m continually amazed at the way God speaks.  He’s not limited to English.  He actually speaks every language known to man … fluently.   On top of that He knows the language of the heart.  He knows how to tug heart strings by presenting pictures or by speaking words through friends or by playing the right song.  He’s not limited to any one way.  One thing I know … God speaks.

When I step back from the teachings, the outreaches, the worship times and really look at this thing big picture it amazes me.  A series of choices led me to this place, yet at every choice was a question.  ”Which way now Lord?”   He always shows me.  Sometimes it’s a confirmation in my spirit.  Other times it’s by a weird feeling of the way not to take.  Still others it may be through a picture, a random bible verse that begins to vibrate in my heart, or an encouraging song.  One thing I know … God speaks.  Many times I find that other people do not understand the way He’s told me to go.  It doesn’t agree with their view, perception, or perspective of how things should be done.  But I press on and walk it anyway.  Why?  Because I’m following a voice.  I love the analogy of the water rafting guide.  In the raft we are paddling and hear one command.  ”Get down!” or “Paddle forward!” or “Paddle back!”   We can only process one at a time when the rapids get rough.  He doesn’t shout out three or four commands – no, only one.  Jesus acts in the same way.  He tells us what we need to do next.  One step at a time.  He knows how to lead those who are His.  Then, when we’ve gone down the river quite a ways we can pause and look back for a moment to see that the path we took was a miracle which led others to praise God for His skill as a Guide.

Over the past two months I’ve shared my life with you concerning the Caleb Company training school.  There is so much more I wish I could put on here, but you would probably be reading a book if I did that.  So I keep it simple, hit the main points, and get the goal in there.  It really hit me tonight that I’m not doing this alone.  Ok, breakdown.  I’ve known in my head that I’m not doing this school alone, but it wasn’t in my spirit.  If this makes you turn your head 38 degrees like a dog with ears perked up then hearken to me now lad.  There’s two things going on here 1) what’s called “head knowledge” and 2) revelation in the spirit.  For many who receive Jesus as their Savior they also receive the baptism of His Holy Spirit.  With His Spirit comes a knowledge from that Spirit.  A revelation, a wisdom, an understanding from that Spirit.  You’re able to “know that you know” even though you don’t know how you know.  Make sense?  For instance, when I gave my life to God I knew in my head that Jesus was born of a virgin.  Yet, I didn’t necessarily believe or understand that in my spirit, my gut, my innards.  Then one day I was walking up a hill in Kenya and BLAM the revelation hit my spirit, my mouth dropped, and I stood there saying “Wow” over and over again real slow and amazed like.  Nobody was around me, nobody waved a wand over my head it just happened …. quite randomly at that.  Then I knew that I knew without any doubt that Jesus was born from the Spirit of God and not from Adam as the rest of us are.  Get it?  I pray God would do that to you.  Back to the point.  I’m not doing this school alone, I didn’t do Africa alone, I didn’t visit the land of heritage in Zimbabwe alone.  I’ve known it in my head, but now I know that I know it’s not all me.  It is because of so many that I am able to do these things.  When I reach Africa again, Lord willing, it won’t be alone.  When I touch the hearts of those people in the name of Jesus it won’t be only me.  Diana will be touching them, Paul, Scotti, Karen will touch them.  Wendy and Isabel, John and David, Anne and Holli will touch them.  They will touch them through me.  If these supporters, which are many more than I just listed, had not sown into what the Lord is doing in my life then these people would not be touched.

People like Lulia.  (aka “halle-lulia”)  My kindergarten student.

And these 6th grade bible students.

And my Kenyan brother Moses.

Children like these who saw their first white man.  WE touched them.

And these.  All we did was share some cross-cultural laughs together.  Sometimes that’s all we need.

And these ladies who put me to shame when it came to digging in the dirt.  Haha.

And this pastor in Zimbabwe who talked with the grandson of a man who built the mission he worked on.  Who taught me about the indaba under the tree.

And this brothaaa in the Zimbabwean countryside

Guys like Arthur, Boris, and Alex.  These became our students in math, physics, and the Kingdom of heaven.  In these pictures you see me with many different people.  What you don’t see is just as important.  You can’t see all the people it took to get me there.  It’s such a humbling thing to think of really.  I can’t reach these people with Jesus all by my lonesome.  So I become the hands and feet of the body of Christ and together we touch them and change their lives forever.

Remember that verse I spoke about in 1 Thessalonians 5 in a previous post?  Well, God is faithful to what He calls us to.  It’s in His name that He will provide.  And He is providing all that He has called me to.  Man, its incredibly awesome.  That mountain of $5300 only 57 days ago is now $300!!! He’s good. I love a new testimony that just happened.  A woman was doing a search within blogs and typed in the word “favor”, found my blog, and felt led to give into what the Lord is doing so she sent a check.  I acknowledge, God, that only You can do these things and without you it would not succeed.  This almost covers the cost of the school, with $300 remaining, and now I still need another $300 in cash, as advised by Caleb Company, to travel with.  My other need are the supplies I’ll need while I’m there like a sleeping bag, travel backpack, and a few other things like that.  If you or anyone you know would like to help me get these I am grateful to receive these needs too.

I also want to thank my own dad for his kindness to me.  He has let me use his pickup truck for the entire duration of the school which is HUGE.  It enables me to get to all the places I’ve got to go.   Thank you Daddy.  I’m looking forward to the day we can get out and go on a motorcycle ride together.

Thank you for going on this journey with me.  For without you I am not able to make it.  What will the next adventure look like?  Who will be touched this time?  Where will God lead?  What will He do?  Stay connected and we shall see the fruit in that day!

While in Israel I won’t be able to get on here and write due to the limited internet access.  When I return to the States in mid-April I hope to share how it went.  Shalom!  Be back in a little while.